Sunday, April 20, 2014

Checking in

I just want to check in and document how awesome I did in week one. I stuck with my diet and stayed at or under 1500 calories. I allowed myself a cheat day per dr. Suggestion and I feel like a pregnant cow. I ate so much sugar! I cannot wait to get back to business tomorrow.

At one point I think I was eating just because I could! Not because I was hungry. I made myself eat the rest of my chocolate bunny even when my body was telling me to stop. I just can't trust myself to not eat it if its here. I don't think I need a whole cheat day. Im too extreme with it. I think a meal is going to be a better fit.

I took my measurements when I started and I can't find the paper I wrote on. But I did remember a few and I noticed I lost a couple inches already around my bust and waist. Veerry niicce. And 1.6 lbs. I'm also on my cycle so hopefully that changes.

I did notice today more headaches and sleepiness and irritation. Could be period or diet. I know I don't like how I feel or even how it really tastes. After I've been eating whole food n fresh fruit all last week the sweet stuff isnt even really sweet. So here's to another week hope my sugar detox isn't too bad. I can't wait to get back in the gym.


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